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Wall Heating & Air Conditioning Blog

Should You Get a Heat Pump Installed As Your Next Air Conditioner?


Have you been considering a new air conditioner? Chances are if so, that you’re in a bit of a rush to get one before temperatures climb to their highest this summer. But we really want to encourage you to take your time and explore all your options. There are plenty of different types of cooling systems on the market today, each with its own set of benefits and even its own set of drawbacks, depending on your property and the climate you live in.

Fortunately, we know of at least one option that’s become increasingly popular in the Suwanee area and beyond, and for good reason. That’s the heat pump system! Read on to learn more about this HVAC system.

How a Heat Pump Operates

A heat pump actually works very similarly to a traditional, central air conditioner. It draws heat out of your home and refrigerant puts it through a cooling process. Blower fans then return chilled air into your home. The big difference between a heat pump and a central AC system is that in a heat pump, the refrigerant process can be reversed, and the system can alternatively be used as a heating system.

Heat pump systems draw from the air outdoors in the wintertime in order to supply your living space with heat, absorbing the cold air from inside your home. Because of this process, most heat pump systems tend to work best in climates that have hot and even humid summers, but relatively mild winters–which makes this system a potentially great choice for you!

The Benefits of a Heat Pump

The first and maybe biggest advantage of using a heat pump system is that it’s convenient. You only have to use one climate control system throughout the year to provide yourself and the rest of your household with energy-efficient cooling and heating. These systems not only save space, but they’re even more efficient as heating systems because they transfer heat instead of generating it like a furnace.

As we alluded to above, the only time that a heat pump tends to struggle a bit with heating efficiently is in extremely cold environments, which isn’t too much of a concern here!

What To Know About Professional Maintenance

Professional maintenance tune-ups are a service we recommend our customers have on a routine basis. So what does this mean for a heat pump system? It means that it should get maintenance twice a year. While a central air conditioner or central furnace only needs a tune-up annually, a heat pump gets used all year round and therefore needs to be checked up more often.

This routine maintenance will allow our technicians to comprehensively inspect, clean, and adjust the components that need it. This ensures that your heat pump works as effectively and efficiently as possible, for as long as possible. Maintenance can help you avoid up to 85% of the repair costs your heat pump may otherwise require, and can help retain up to 95% of the system’s original efficiency rating!

From installation to reliable AC repair in Suwanee, GA, contact Wall Heating & Air Conditioning, Inc. today!

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