Wall Heating & Air Conditioning Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Alpharetta’

Try This Handy AC Troubleshooting Checklist

Monday, June 24th, 2024

Oh, no! Your air conditioner stopped working! You must be in serious need of AC repair. Or are you? Could it be that you’ve got a problem you can resolve yourself, without any training or expertise?

True AC problems must be repaired by someone qualified, for many reasons, including safety and making sure you don’t void your warranty. But sometimes, it only seems like there’s an AC problem. How can you tell the difference? Before you call for air conditioner repair, go through this handy AC troubleshooting checklist. Your problem could be resolved in mere minutes.

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Can I Perform Any Repairs on My Furnace on My Own?

Monday, December 25th, 2023

When something goes wrong with your furnace, especially if it happens during a cold snap, you want it dealt with right away. Scheduling an appointment at some time in the future is frustrating and inconvenient. Paying for emergency repairs when there’s an urgent heating failure on a weekend or holiday can be overwhelming.

If you’re generally a handy person, and enjoy doing projects and fixing things around the house, you might start to wonder: Is it possible to perform furnace repairs yourself?

No! We’ll explain why, but we’ll also tell you how you can troubleshoot. You might not need repairs at all!

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Late Summer Problems You May Have With Your AC

Monday, August 21st, 2023

It’s been a long, hot summer since your air conditioning in Alpharetta, GA got a break! Even if you got maintenance before the start of the season, there’s been a lot of wear and tear going on for the last few months. There are certain issues your air conditioner is more likely to encounter in late summer. Here’s what to keep an eye out for.

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4 Ways Maintenance Saves You Money Over Time

Monday, February 20th, 2023

We often emphasize just how important heating maintenance is. We talk about how often it needs to be done. We sometimes mention that we have a maintenance plan that can help you stay on track with your maintenance and even offers discounts and priority service. But if you’re concerned about paying for a maintenance appointment, it might be more helpful to you if we explained how much money you can save by making sure your heating system is properly maintained.

Here are the top four ways that you’ll have more money in your pocket when you get annual heating maintenance from qualified professionals.

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Most Common Furnace Repairs in Winter

Monday, January 9th, 2023

If you’re a new homeowner, or are in the position of caring for a furnace for the first time, it may seem mysterious and confusing. What should you expect? What can go wrong? The truth of the matter is that furnaces are generally quite reliable and you don’t need to worry too much about them. The best way to avoid furnace problems is to make sure you get preventative maintenance every year. This way, little issues won’t add up, dusty mess will be cleaned before it causes trouble, and moving parts will be lubricated to reduce wear and tear.

However, there will be times when a furnace encounters a real need for repair. We’ll go over a few of the things we see most often, so that if these problems do happen to your furnace, they won’t catch you by surprise.

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Does a Dirty Air Filter Really Hurt My Furnace?

Monday, January 24th, 2022

dirty-air-filterIf you’re utilizing a furnace for your home comfort in the winter, then you know just how nice it can be when the system kicks on and provides you with all the heat you and your family need. But if something goes amiss with your heater, it can be panic-inducing. Sure, we don’t have to worry about temperatures that get too arctic in our climate, but compared to our summers, our winters get pretty darn cold!

Fortunately, there are steps you can take to avoid too big of a furnace problem. We don’t expect you to understand fully how a heater works, and we don’t even recommend making repairs on your own, but there is one little thing you can and should be doing to keep furnace performance at its best–and that’s changing out the air filter every 1-3 months.

Homeowners often minimize, or just don’t know, how important it is to change their furnace air filters on a regular basis, thinking they really only need to be swapped out each year during furnace maintenance. But failure to change out this filter can have some pretty negative consequences.

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How to Avoid Letting Last Year’s Heater Problems Haunt You This Year

Monday, December 27th, 2021

woman-looking-shocked-with-hands-covering-mouthThink about last winter.

You’re probably wondering, “why?” Nothing special happened–we didn’t have a surprise blizzard or anything.

We want you to consider the small things that might have happened though. Maybe your heater was making a weird noise. Or you noticed that your heating bills seemed to be a little bit pricier than the year before. Maybe you brushed these things off, figuring you’d deal with them later.

Well… it’s later now! Our hope for you is that you are able to take care of your heating repair needs before you need your system the most this year. It is, after all, officially winter, however relatively mild our winters are. If you haven’t already scheduled professional heating maintenance, now is the time to do so–give our team a call! And in the meantime, keep an eye out for lingering problems like the ones we’re about to mention below, and give us a call if you notice any of these symptoms.

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Is it Ever Too Early for Heating Maintenance?

Monday, September 20th, 2021

technician-working-on-furnaceThe official end of summer is upon us, and soon enough you will be using your heating system to keep you warm. True, our winters aren’t nearly as dramatic or even as long as winter is for our neighbors up north. However, cooler temperatures can certainly leave you and your household uncomfortable without a properly cared for heater.

One of the best things you can do for that heating system is to schedule routine maintenance. And no, it’s not too early for this service! Keep reading as we uncover just why heating maintenance is so vital for the health of your heater, and why it’s also important to have it done this season to get the most out of it. 

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Pay Attention to These Signs of an AC in Disrepair

Monday, July 26th, 2021

animated-checklist-on-clipboardHave you ever noticed that your air conditioner doesn’t seem to be working quite right? Maybe you’re tempted to put off calling for repairs. If your air conditioner is still running, just not as well as it could be, this is understandable. You want to save your summer vacation money, after all! But unfortunately, delaying repairs could leave you with an even costlier problem, and potentially even the need for premature system replacement.

We encourage our customers to take care of their air conditioning systems as soon as they realize they need repairs. But how do you know when this might be the case? We ask this knowing that you are probably not an air conditioning expert–that’s our job! However, it’s a good idea to know the basics, and to know the signs that you just may have an air conditioner in disrepair. Read on to learn what they are!

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3 Sounds You Should Never Hear from Your Air Conditioner

Tuesday, June 1st, 2021

checklist-with-red-markerAir conditioners are very complex pieces of equipment, with a number of components and actions that make them work flawlessly. But just like any other home appliance, they are subject to natural wear and tear. There’s no avoiding that at some point, you’ll need a repair. In fact, you can expect to need a repair every couple of years or so as parts wear out.

Of course, you can fend off the most urgent and harmful repair needs with routine maintenance. Professional maintenance allows our technicians to fully inspect, clean, and adjust the components that need it. During the inspection part of this process, we look for anything that does need repair so we can alert you to it right away. This way, it has less of a chance to grow into something bigger and lead to a breakdown.

Maintenance isn’t the only way to detect repair needs, however! It’s important that you know the everyday sounds that your air conditioner makes. This way, when it makes an unusual noise, you’ll know that something is amiss. What noises are we talking about? Read on!

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