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Wall Heating & Air Conditioning Blog

AC Installation: Why You Should Consider Going Ductless

Air conditioner blowing cold airWith fall here, you may be looking forward to turning off your AC for the season and enjoying the time between cooling and heating season—known in the industry as the shoulder season. But, how did your air conditioner perform this summer? Was it as efficient and effective as you hoped it would be?

How about your heater, was it in good condition last spring?

If either of these systems, or both, is struggling and you’re considering an HVAC system replacement, now is the perfect time to get it on your schedule. Not only will this be more convenient for you (you don’t have to worry about a disruption to your comfort), but your HVAC technicians will be more readily available for the job. After all, this isn’t a purchase you want to rush into—you want to get matched with the right HVAC system for your specific home and needs.

That being said, you’d do well to at least consider ductless air conditioning in Lawrenceville! But, are they worth the hype? We believe so, for the following reasons:

They are Flexible

Ductless air conditioners and heaters send air directly to individualized areas or zones without the need for ductwork. If you have a home with damaged ductwork, having a ductless system installed can increase your comfort and allow for less family squabbles over thermostat settings.

They are Cost-Effective

The traditional central air conditioner, complete with air ducts, means air is being sent to all the rooms of your home at the same time, even if some of those rooms are unoccupied. With a ductless system though, wasted energy is eliminated since you can direct the system to heat or cool certain zones. This means that your energy bills from month to month will be a lot lower than with a centralized system.

They Contribute to Better Indoor Air Quality

Ducted air conditioners and heaters can be very efficient, and when taken care of properly operate very effectively. However, there is no escaping the fact that ducts mean contaminants like allergens and pollutants can make their way into your home. With a ductless system, you never need to worry about your HVAC system contributing to poor indoor air quality.

They Are Better for the Environment

Almost all ductless systems on the market today meet the EnergyStart guidelines set by the EPA, and offer some of the greatest energy efficiency available from a climate control system. If you’re looking for a way to reduce your carbon footprint, then replacing an older, conventional HVAC system with a ductless model is a great first step, without sacrificing your comfort or convenience.

They’re Easy to Install

That’s not to say you should try the installation on your own, but rather they require minimal disruption to your home and comfort. Where a ducted system may require duct repair or installation if you don’t already have a system in place, a ductless system is comprised of one outdoor unit and multiple indoor air handlers, connected to the outdoor unit with a conduit containing the power cord, refrigerant line, and condensate line. This requires a small hole drilled in the wall where each air handler will be installed, and minimal time to put in.

For quality AC services, look no further than Wall Heating & Air Conditioning, Inc. Contact us today!

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