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Wall Heating & Air Conditioning Blog

For Quality Cooling, Schedule Your Maintenance Appointment Today!

technician-servicing-outdoor-ac-unitOur warm and balmy summertime temperatures may still be several weeks off, but if you’ve lived in the Alpharetta area for even just a year, then you know when summer does hit you’ll be thankful for a fully effective and efficient air conditioner, right?

One of the best things you can do to ensure that your AC system is in good shape is to schedule preventive maintenance for the system. Routine professional AC maintenance makes sure that your unit is ready for the added strain of summer. Skipping or even delaying maintenance will make it much more likely that you’ll face problems by the end of the cooling season, or even before.

Read on to learn more about how important this service is, and why you should call today!

Air Conditioning Problems are Sneaky

The average owner can’t be expected, and shouldn’t be expected quite frankly, to be capable of spotting problems with their air conditioner easily. In fact, most AC system problems don’t even give off early warning signs. If there’s a big issue with your cooling system that’s giving off obvious signs of malfunction, then the problem has probably been around long enough to already have begun doing damage.

Waiting for large and dramatic warning signs to present themselves before calling for professional service is likely the wrong approach to take. Rather, you should schedule maintenance to be proactive about any air conditioning problems you might be facing.

Preventive maintenance gives our technicians the opportunity to thoroughly inspect your entire air conditioner. We will isolate the problem(s), and resolve them by making adjustments or by alerting you to repair needs so you can get them on your schedule. Being consistent and diligent with your maintenance appointments will increase your AC system’s efficiency, reduce the chance of your system developing further problems, and will extend the life of your equipment.

Schedule Your Maintenance Today!

Like we said, you should call today to schedule your AC maintenance appointment. It may not seem warm enough for us to say this, but we always recommend springtime for your cooling system maintenance sessions. This puts the system in its best health possible right before you’ll need it the most. Our staff will be able to alert you to repair issues, and you can get them on your schedule long before you need the system on a daily or even hourly basis.

Of course, just because now is the best time to get your AC maintenance appointment out of the way doesn’t mean you should skip it altogether if you miss this window. It’s better to have maintenance done later on than to just skip it. In fact, this is especially true if you use a heat pump or ductless system, since these are 2-in-1 systems used for both heating and cooling.

Since heat pumps go through so much work throughout the year, it’s important that they receive a maintenance session every 6 months. If it’s been longer than this since your last heat pump tune-up, now really is the best time to give us a call.

Wall Heating & Air Conditioning, Inc. is your trusted HVAC Company in Alpharetta, GA. Contact us today!

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