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Wall Heating & Air Conditioning Blog

Tips for Preventing AC Repair Needs

hvac-wall-vent-near-floorIf you’ve lived in the Lawrenceville area through even just one summer, then you know your air conditioning system goes through a lot of work, right? Fortunately, these systems are durable and designed to handle the heat—when they are properly cared for, anyway.

If your cooling system isn’t properly taken care of, you can find yourself paying a lot more for your air conditioner to keep you cool than you should have to. You might also find yourself facing repair needs you weren’t expecting. We’d like to help you avoid that! The tips we’ve shared below will help you not only prevent AC repair needs, but will help boost the efficiency of your AC system as well.

Schedule Routine Maintenance

If you haven’t scheduled air conditioning maintenance yet, now is the time. Truthfully, it’s never too late to schedule a tune-up, unless your air conditioner has already broken down with no chance of repair. It matters more that you have maintenance done on a consistent basis. So if you have a traditional central air conditioner, maintenance should happen once a year—this should be upped to twice a year if you have a heat pump.

Raise the Temperature

You may be wondering how on earth this can prevent a repair need. Hear us out! Most people have their thermostats set at 72° during the day, even though most individuals are comfortable at 78°F. We aren’t asking you to heat up your home more than you have to during the summer, but consider how much energy you’re using by trying to keep your home colder than it actually needs to be.

By raising the thermostat, your air conditioner doesn’t have to run as long. This means it works more efficiently, for starters. But also, an AC system that consistently doesn’t have to run as long also won’t accumulate repair needs as fast, therefore giving you a peace of mind.

Check for Airflow Obstructions

This starts with your HVAC air filter—this filter is in place to protect your system’s interior components from dirt, dust, and other debris that can infiltrate it and do it harm. When the air filter becomes too clogged up, it restricts airflow and your air conditioner will start to struggle. This air filter should be changed every 1-3 months depending on the type of filter and the level of contaminants in your home.

Checking for airflow obstructions also includes checking for debris around your outdoor condenser unit. There should be at least a foot of space on all sides of the unit—so checking for things like lawn clippings, mulch, leaves, tree branches, etc. is a good idea.

Lastly, be sure to check for obstructions over or around your vents. This can include furniture blocking vents, kid’s toys, backpacks, etc. If you restrict the cooled air coming into your home, it will create an imbalance and wear down your air conditioner faster, leading to repair needs and efficiency trouble.

Contact Wall Heating & Air Conditioning, Inc. for quality air conditioning repair in Lawrenceville, GA.

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