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Wall Heating & Air Conditioning Blog

Improve HVAC Efficiency with These Simple Tips

HVAC-return-register-ventWhat if we told you there was a way to increase your home comfort while also lowering your heating and cooling bills? There are actually a variety of simply steps you can take to boost your HVAC system’s efficiency, and with winter coming up we’re sure you’d love to know how to save on heating costs.

After all, as hot and humid as our summers are, we still do need our heaters—while our winters are brief the contrast in temperature requires a fully functioning system—but if it’s not operating efficiently, is it really functioning to its full capacity? Keep reading for the aforementioned steps.

Schedule Maintenance Regularly!

When was the last time your heater had a tune-up? If you can’t remember, then now is definitely the time to schedule it. Preventive maintenance is one of the best ways to ensure you’re getting the most from your heater, or for your air conditioner, for that matter.

When you adequately maintain your HVAC system, you’re getting the best quality conditioned air form that system. This makes your energy bills lower, you comfort higher, and the air you breathe in your home healthier.

Maintenance is a quick service with long lasting benefits. It allows our technicians to thoroughly inspect your entire HVAC system inside and out—during this time we clean the system, adjust any components that need it, and alert you to repair needs that might exist. Getting repairs on your schedule ASAP will help you avoid bigger emergencies later on down the line.

While fall is generally the best time to have heater maintenance done, spring is when you should schedule your AC maintenance.

Consider a Smart Thermostat Installation

What kind of thermostat do you have in your home? If your answer is a manual thermostat, then we’re sorry to tell you your device is outdated, and likely not allowing your HVAC system to perform as efficiently as possible. Even a digital thermostat will benefit you, but to take the advantages a step further, you may want to consider a smart thermostat.

These thermostats pick up on the preferred temperatures of the homeowner, as well as their peak time for heating and cooling. Over time, these thermostats are capable of highlighting opportunities for you to save energy and thus increase your efficiency and lower your energy bills.

Have Your Ducts Sealed

If your air ducts are old, worn, or improperly sealed, these services will dramatically boost your home’s efficiency. You lose significant amounts of conditioned air through duct breaches. As a result, you’ll find yourself running your heating or cooling system longer to compensate.

This will reflect in your energy bills, which will likely skyrocket. But professional duct sealing from our team can resolve this. You won’t be wasting as much energy and your HVAC efficiency will be boosted.

Whether you’re ready to schedule maintenance, want to explore your thermostat options, or think your ductwork may be damaged, we’re the team to call. We can handle all of this and more—we look forward to serving all your HVAC needs!

For professional and trustworthy Duluth, GA HVAC services, contact Wall Heating & Air Conditioning, Inc. today!

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