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Wall Heating & Air Conditioning Blog

Simple Facts about Carbon Monoxide Detectors

I know we have carbon monoxide detectors installed. I work at Wall Heating and Air Conditioning. My HVAC/furnaces are checked for safety every six months like a good Club member. However, we can never be too safe for our family. We have one on each of our floors. In September, my CO detector started squealing every 60 seconds at 1:00 in the morning…Oh yes, that was very convenient. I was so lazy I covered my head and tried to drown out the noise until I got up in the morning…I knew that a short squeal means that the batteries needed to be changed. So I got up the next morning and changed the batteries. It kept squealing then I saw a sticker inside my alarm that said after 5 years to replace the CO detector. I didn’t know they had a life span.

Since then we have had a couple of our Club members saying theirs was going off and their furnaces weren’t that old. I had forgotten about the CO detector lifespan until Karen asked how old the CO detectors were. We found that their CO detectors had reached their lifespan.

If your gas furnace is over 8 years old and you haven’t had service, please be sure you have us come out and do a thorough inspection to be sure your furnace is safe!

Remember the holiday’s are fast approaching and we want to help ensure that they are as safe as we can help make them for you.

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