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Wall Heating & Air Conditioning Blog

Tips for Boosting Your Heater Efficiency This Year

woman-huddled-up-looking-coldWe may not be ready to admit it, but wintertime is right around the corner. True, we don’t get the frigid cold temperatures that households in other parts of the country do. But our winters are still chilly by our regards, right? And each of us wants a fully functional, affordable heating system in our homes to get us through.

Your heater might be reliable. It might be effective, but are you using it as efficiently as possible? If not, it’s very likely that you’re paying way more than you should to actually use it. Our heating seasons may seem relatively brief, but that’s even more of a reason not to overpay for wintertime comfort. Read on as we uncover some ways you can boost your heating efficiency this year.

Invest in a Thermostat Upgrade

Your HVAC systems’ thermostat may seem like a very small and inconsequential device, but it has a very big job! It’s the “brain” of both your heating and cooling units. It’s the device through which you’re able to communicate with your home comfort systems.

Upgrading to even the most basic digital thermostat from a manual slider thermostat will do you good. Even better—consider a Wi-Fi or smart thermostat. Smart thermostats can “learn” from your heating and cooling preferences and adjust themselves accordingly, while taking into account efficient use.

Use Weatherstripping to Keep Drafts Out

The heat from your furnace system can seep out through cracks in the windows and doors of your home. What does this mean? Well, that you are losing energy but you’re still pay for it! You may consider purchasing some very affordable caulking/weatherstripping to seal up your windows and doors, to ensure that the heat in your home stays in your home.

Utilize Your Ceiling Fans

This might seem like a strange tip to be sharing to help your heating efficiency, but bear with us! Yes, during the summer, we recommend that you use your ceiling fans in combination with your air conditioning system. You’ve probably noticed how this distributes cooled are more effectively, and allows you to even turn the thermostat up a few degrees. This saves you money in the process!

This same concept can be applied to your heating system, simply by reversing the direction of the fan blades. There’s a switch located near the center of the fan, typically above the blades. One simple flick of that switch and you’ll be warming your home more efficiently. Of course, you’ll want to remember to switch it back when temperatures warm up again.

Schedule a Tune-Up

If you haven’t done so yet this year, it’s time to schedule heating maintenance. Maintenance is the leading way to ensure that your heater works as effectively and efficiently as possible, for as long as possible.

During your maintenance tune-ups, our professionals fully inspect the furnace for any potential repair needs, making adjustments, and cleaning the system as we go. Each of these steps ensures that the furnace performs as well as possible.

For reliable furnace service in Lawrenceville, GA, contact Wall Heating & Air Conditioning, Inc. today!

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