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Wall Heating & Air Conditioning Blog

What Happens During Professional Heating Maintenance?

animated-checklistLiving in Georgia, we’re known a lot more for our hot and humid summers than we are for our chilly winters, but that doesn’t mean the colder months don’t pack quite the punch! That said, it stands to reason that you really want your heater to work as effectively and efficiently as possible while keeping your family comfortable. This means that you’ll want to schedule routine professional heating maintenance each year. We typically recommend this service in the fall, before the cooler temps arise, but this is definitely a case of “better late than never,” even if you’re reading it right smack in the middle of winter.

There are some very basic heating maintenance tasks you can do on your own, and that you should do on your own. This includes replacing the furnace or heat pump air filter every 1-3 months, in addition to ensuring that the space around your heater’s outdoor unit is clean and clear of debris and clutter.

This is just the beginning, though. A much more thorough maintenance session is required if you expect your heating system to continue to operate as powerfully and efficiently as it is meant to. Read on to learn more!

“Do I Really Need to Schedule Professional Maintenance?”

Annual preventative, professional, maintenance is essential to making sure that your furnace or heat pump can stand the test of time. Maintenance will provide your heater with the quality performance that you deserve and expect. As your heating system works hard to keep you cozy and warm all through winter, it is going to accumulate some natural wear and tear. This cannot be avoided, but it does not have to be a huge detriment to your heater. This said, allowing this wear and tear to go unchecked for too long will absolutely lead to some potentially serious issues for your heater later on down the line.

For instance, your heating system simply won’t be able to operate as efficiently as it would if it were properly maintained, so you’ll find yourself paying more than you should have to just to keep your home comfortable. The system also won’t function as reliably as it should, requiring more frequent repairs than if it were routinely maintained. In all likelihood, your heater will not last as long as it should (10-15 years) without adequate tune-ups.

“Okay, So What Actually Happens During This Service?”

A lot! Sure, we’ll check the air filter, but this is just a very small part of maintenance, and as we said above, a step that you should be doing on your own.

Professional maintenance allows our technicians to take a close look at your system. We check for small wear-and-tear related repair needs so we can alert you to them. We tighten electrical components, which even a gas furnace has. We check the controls and thermostat for proper functionality. We lubricate moving parts that need it.

All of this helps your heater not only work as it should, but keeps it safe, too!

To get in touch with a professional HVAC company in Loganville, GA, contact Wall Heating & Air Conditioning

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