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Wall Heating & Air Conditioning Blog

Could a Faulty Thermostat be Bad for Your Furnace?

old-thermostatWe are pretty fortunate in our area that we don’t have to deal with the severely cold temperatures that homeowners contend with throughout other parts of the country. As a result, you don’t have to worry about your heating system too much, right? However, even if our heater usage is relatively brief, don’t you want to do everything possible to save energy, and subsequently, money?

A faulty thermostat, or even how you use your thermostat, can play a big role in this—not only as winter approaches and we start using our heaters but also during the cooling season. We’re here for you when you do need expert service and advice, but in the meantime we’d like to help you understand a bit more the relationship between your thermostat and HVAC system, so you know when to call our team for help.

Thermostat Problems and Your HVAC System

Your thermostat serves as a control center, the brain if you will, of your heating and cooling systems. It allows you to choose when the heating or cooling system turns on, and what the temperature of your home will be maintained at. In many ways, the thermostat doesn’t actually interfere with the HVAC system at all—it’s essentially serving as an on-off switch after all.

But thermostat problems impact your ability to control your HVAC system. As a result, thermostat issues are just as bad as having a problem with the HVAC units themselves. Your heater or air conditioner might not turn on when it’s supposed to, or it could fail to turn off when it needs to. Either of these situations will understandably lead to an uncomfortable home, and will waste energy and money.

Thermostat Troubles and Short-Cycling

A failing thermostat can also cause your HVAC system to cycle on and off rapidly. This process is known as short-cycling. The problem is, your furnace and central air conditioner both spend a good amount of energy simply turning on and off, so you want yours to run for at least 15 minutes at a time before shutting off.

There’s some good news with this—thermostats are generally easier to repair or replace than other components of your complex HVAC system, since they’re basically a separate unit, and easily accessible too. Our team of pros can get to the root of your system problems and determine first if the thermostat is to blame, and if it is, whether a repair or an upgrade would be the next best course of action.

When to Consider a Thermostat Upgrade

When it comes to making an upgrade to your HVAC system, a thermostat replacement is basically the most affordable one there is, and yet it can save you the most amount of money in the long run. A thermostat device that’s inaccurate by even just a couple of degrees can have a significant negative impact on your cooling and heating bills.

This is especially important for homeowners who are still using hard-wired, manual thermostats. Even the most basic digital or programmable thermostat systems offer a number of key advantages worth your consideration. They’re easier to control, and they’re almost always more accurate than the manual slider thermostats.

Whether you need a brand new thermostat or expert furnace repair in Dacula, GA, Wall Heating & Air Conditioning, Inc. is the team to call! Contact us today.

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