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Wall Heating & Air Conditioning Blog

How to Choose the Best Contractor for Your AC Installation

Technician-working-on-outdoor-ac-unitWhen you live in a climate as hot and humid as ours, there’s no exception to the fact that you need an efficient and effective air conditioner to stay comfortable and healthy. Also, you need that system to work flawlessly day in and day out, season after season.

Of course, in order to get this kind of reliability, you need to invest in professional AC services, with an HVAC contractor you can trust—especially for installation! This isn’t a partnership any homeowner should just rush into as it could leave you with an air conditioner that’s not correctly sized for your home, or one that’s installed incorrectly so it can’t possibly work as well as it’s meant to.

But, how exactly do you choose the best contractor for your AC installation?

Do Some Research

Choosing an AC installer should never be a rushed decision—even if you’re reading this in the middle of a hot summer day and your current air conditioner is completely broken down. We understand the urgency, and the temptation of a “quick fix,” but we urge you to consider the true costs of such a hasty decision.

Cheaper Doesn’t Necessarily Mean Better

This is particularly true when it comes to AC services that follow installation, like repairs and maintenance. A lower cost contractor doesn’t necessarily mean a better contractor—quality matters. The HVAC contractor you choose to help with your AC installation should be proud to offer the top brands in heating and cooling products. Sure, it’s tempting to go with cheaper products and “more affordable, for now” services, but these low-quality products could wind up costing you more later.

Poorly manufactured or inadequately installed HVAC products simply won’t hold up over time. They typically require frequent and costly repairs that you wouldn’t have had to deal with if you’d just gone to the right professionals for the job to begin with. A knowledgeable HVAC pro will recommend the best products for you, because they know those products will last and ultimately save you money.

Customer Service Matters

Unfortunately, there are a lot of service companies out there that just come in and superficially fix a problem, or do an installation without testing the system to ensure it works as it should. When it comes to your air conditioner, or your heater, you want a contractor who will stand by the products and services they offer, and ensure 100% customer satisfaction.

The best way to make sure you’re getting this is to take a look at the company’s testimonials and reviews. What are previous customers saying? Are they coming back and continuing to get service? Sometimes the best indicator of what you can expect from a home services company is what people are saying about them.

Seek Out Expertise

Your home is a major investment, which means the appliances and equipment you put in it need to be adequately protected. You can help ensure this is the case by hiring a full-service HVAC company over one who just does installations and replacements—after all, if you can’t turn to them for maintenance or repairs, it shows that they may not have the qualifications necessary to really be working with high-quality HVAC products.

For professional and reliable HVAC service in Lawrenceville, GA contact Wall Heating & Air Conditioning, Inc. today.

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