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Wall Heating & Air Conditioning Blog

Is it Ever Too Early for Heating Maintenance?

technician-working-on-furnaceThe official end of summer is upon us, and soon enough you will be using your heating system to keep you warm. True, our winters aren’t nearly as dramatic or even as long as winter is for our neighbors up north. However, cooler temperatures can certainly leave you and your household uncomfortable without a properly cared for heater.

One of the best things you can do for that heating system is to schedule routine maintenance. And no, it’s not too early for this service! Keep reading as we uncover just why heating maintenance is so vital for the health of your heater, and why it’s also important to have it done this season to get the most out of it. 

The Importance of Professional Heating Maintenance

Many of the problems that can negatively impact a heating system are the type of issues you may not even notice until there’s already been a considerable amount of damage done. This is the remain reason you don’t want to wait for symptoms to appear before scheduling routine professional maintenance.

Maintenance, which is a preventative service, gives our professionals the chance to closely examine your heater and isolate any issues that may already be forming. These problems then can be repairs before they have the chance to form into something much greater that will threaten the functionality or lifespan of your heater.

Maintenance helps prevent up to 85% of the repair needs your system may ever need. How so? Because we look for small adjustment needs your system has before they have the chance to have a domino effect in your system. For example, let’s say you have worn down motor bearings on your blower fan. Relubricating these motor bearings is a simple task for us! But we won’t know the need exists without a maintenance inspection. And if we don’t know about it, your blower fan can start to experience friction, until the whole motor overheats and you risk potential heater breakdown altogether.

This service also helps your heater retain 95% of its original efficiency rating. We estimate that every year you skip heating maintenance, your system loses about 5% of its efficiency. This means your heater has to run longer and longer in order to do its job of heating your home to your desired temperature. This can also shorten the system’s lifespan, too.

Last but certainly not least, professional maintenance can help keep your warranty current.  Manufacturer’s warranties almost always have a stipulation that you must have routine maintenance done by a professional. Attempting either maintenance or repairs on your own can void out that warranty. This means that even if you find a manufacturer defect later on, you’ll be financial liable for getting it fixed, rather than the manufacturer being liable.

The Best Time for Heating Maintenance

Generally speaking, the best time to have heating maintenance scheduled is right before you need the system the most. So we typically recommend this as a fall service. What matters more than timing, though, is consistency. Annual maintenance really should be done once a year! So no, if you haven’t had maintenance done in the last year, it is definitely not too early to have it done now.

 For professional Alpharetta, GA HVAC service, look no further than Wall Heating & Air Conditioning. Contact us today! 

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