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Wall Heating & Air Conditioning Blog

Should Your Business Use a Rooftop Unit?

rooftop-air-conditioning-unitsAs summer quickly approaches, there are probably many things for you to focus on with your business, such as ensuring that your customers, employees, and/or tenants are satisfied, and that your building is a comfortable space.

Wait, you haven’t been concerned about that last point? We get it—this isn’t usually something that’s at top of mind for business owners or managers, however it is important. An uncomfortable commercial space can lead to a host of problems, not the least of which is a significant business interruption.

There are a number of things you can do in your business or commercial building to ensure comfort, and one of the biggest players in this is an effective and efficient air conditioning system. Whether you were already considering replacing your soon or are curious about your options, this is the blog post for you, as rooftop units are well worth your consideration.

More about Rooftop Air Conditioners

Commonly suggested as a commercial HVAC solution, a rooftop unit is composed of multiple modular units installed on top of your business or commercial building. This might seem counterintuitive as this exposes the system to more heat, however commercial rooftop units are designed to handle the elements! Plus, they provide a number of benefits, including:

Easy Access

Can you imagine? You’re in the middle of a busy day at work…or maybe you’re managing some aspect of your commercial space, and all of the sudden an AC repair technician comes barging through your business to handle your air conditioning problems. Fortunately, rooftop AC units eliminate this problem altogether.

Our professionally experienced and highly trained techs can reach these systems and work on them without interrupting your business in a significant way, enabling you to keep moving forward while gaining the peace of mind that your air conditioner issue is being resolved in the process. Rooftop access also means that new units or other important equipment can be moved in and out without ever disrupting your business space.

More Flexibility

This is a pretty big advantage to modular air conditioning units—you’re able to increase or decrease your cooling power. This is beneficial if you have changing needs for the existing commercial space, or if you need to accommodate the needs of a new business or office taking up residence within that commercial space. We’ll simply install a new modular unit to the existing system (or even remove one, if necessary).

The rooftop of your building is a great place for this all to happen since it’s easier to add and subtract units without the need to move through the business space itself, and you won’t need to worry about making any landscaping changes around your space in order to accommodate, either.

Better Space Utilization

No matter what type of business you operate or what the needs are of your commercial building, one this is probably for certain—you want to make efficient use of that space, using it for workstations, showrooms, offices, or tenants.

With rooftop units, you can reserve space for just that, instead of making room for your commercial air conditioning needs.

When you’re in search of a trustworthy HVAC company in Lilburn, GA, look no further than Wall Heating & Air Conditioning, Inc. Contact us today!

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