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Wall Heating & Air Conditioning Blog

Signs That Your Heat Pump Is Struggling

hand-writing-checklist-on-notepadWhen you live in a climate such as ours, it’s great to know that you can enjoy the efficient and powerful heating and cooling that comes from a heat pump system. Even at the peak of summer or middle of winter, you know your heat pump will work flawlessly… until it doesn’t.

Whether you noticed your heat pump is running, but the temperature isn’t changing, or there seems to be low airflow, or maybe even really weird noises are coming from the heat pump even though nothing seems immediately wrong, it’s probably time to call in a professional.

These are signs that something is amiss with your heat pump, and knowing the signs and following up with a call to us right away for heat pump repairs can get you back to enjoying efficient and effective heat pump operation ASAP. Read on as we dive into the signs that your heat pump is in disrepair.

Strange Sounds

Heat pumps are known for running relatively quietly. So, if your system begins to emit strange, loud sounds when it runs, such as rattling, hissing, or screeching, there’s a problem that needs to be addressed. Basically, anything other than the whoosh of the air through the vents and other normal operational day-to-day noises is reason enough to give us a call.

Odd Smells

If you haven’t had your heat pump cleaned or tuned-up recently, then you might notice that it emits a burning smell in heating most, which can be caused by dust being heated up and burned off the coils of the system. Other odors, however, can indicate electrical components smoldering or other components of the heat pump overheating. The best course of action when your heat pump has a bad smell is to turn it off and give us a call.

Uneven Heating or Cooling

Unless you have a ductless heat pump and have set the separate air handlers at different temperatures, you shouldn’t have uneven heating or cooling throughout your home when you run your heat pump, especially if this is a problem that has never occurred before.

This could be the sign of damaged ductwork allowing conditioned air to escape, or it can even be that your heat pump is old (10-15 years) and simply unable to provide the power to get conditioned air into all the rooms of your home anymore.

Lack of Maintenance

Did you have maintenance done this past fall? Traditional furnaces and central air conditioners need maintenance once a year. Your heat pump system is a year-round climate control system. This means that it needs service twice a year. We typically recommend this service in the fall, and again in the spring.

However, consistency matters more than timing here—you absolutely should have maintenance done every 6 months to keep your heat pump performing as efficiently and effectively as possible, for as long as possible.

For professional service on your heat pump in Monroe, GA, look no further than Wall Heating & Air Conditioning, Inc. Contact us today!

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