Wall Heating & Air Conditioning Blog: Archive for the ‘Air Conditioning’ Category

“Help! My Air Conditioner Isn’t Conditioning My Air”

Monday, April 18th, 2022

Summer isn’t here quite yet, but soon enough, we will be giving our air conditioners quite the workout as they work to keep our homes comfortable and healthy.

But what if yours isn’t cooling as it should, or doesn’t seem to be cooling at all?

This is an understandably frustrating issue—when an air conditioner is failing to do the very job it’s designed for. There can be a variety of different reasons for this to happen, and some are potentially more serious than others when it comes to AC functionality. Read on to learn why your cooling system might be struggling, and what can be done about it.

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“What Does It Mean if My AC is Screeching?”

Monday, April 4th, 2022

woman-covering-earsThe last thing you want to do as a homeowner is to pay more for your utility bills than you need to, right? Well, if you aren’t keeping up on your air conditioning maintenance each year, this is exactly what can happen! Maintenance reduces repair needs by as much as 85% throughout the lifespan of the system, and also helps the unit work more efficiently, and last longer.

That said, even with maintenance, an aging air conditioner (10-15 years old) or even a newer AC with a defect or damage of some kind, may need a repair, and it’s important that you know the signs! One of these signs is strange noises–and the one that usually alarms people the most is screeching. So what does it mean if your air conditioner is doing this?

We’ll answer the question in more detail below, but it essentially means that your cooling system’s motor needs attention from an HVAC professional. Read on as we dive into what screeching means for your AC, and explain what other sounds could mean for the system.

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What Actually Happens During Air Conditioning Maintenance?

Monday, March 21st, 2022

technician-servicing-outdoor-ac-unitA question that often comes up among homeowners looking to save money is, “can’t I just handle air conditioning maintenance on my own?”

The truth is, you could probably find a video online of how to DIY inspect your air conditioner. But the real question is, do you really want to? If something gets missed, you could end up with an unexpected and expensive repair need, or maybe even a sudden AC breakdown when you need your system the most.

Not to mention, professional air conditioning maintenance helps keep your manufacturer’s warranty current. This means that if you have a defect that causes an AC problem, the manufacturer will be held accountable for it, instead of it coming out of your pocket. If you try to repair or maintain your AC on your own, however, it voids the warranty.

Okay, so, aside from warranty protection, what’s so great about professional AC maintenance? Read on to learn what actually goes on during these sessions, and to get the answer to that very question.

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Benefits of a Quality AC Maintenance Plan

Monday, March 7th, 2022

checklist-with-red-markerIf you’ve ever read our blog, you might have seen us mention the importance of scheduling HVAC maintenance—we recommend this service in the spring for your air conditioner, and in the fall for your heating system, because these are right before you will need those systems the most.

However, more important than timing here is consistency. A traditional central air conditioner or central furnace should have professional maintenance done once a year, while a year-round heat pump system should be serviced every 6 months since it does double the work.

Since we’re almost done with the heating season and heading into the cooling season soon, we thought we’d talk about the benefits of a quality AC maintenance plan or agreement. Read on to learn more!

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Is it Ever Too Early for Heating Maintenance?

Monday, September 20th, 2021

technician-working-on-furnaceThe official end of summer is upon us, and soon enough you will be using your heating system to keep you warm. True, our winters aren’t nearly as dramatic or even as long as winter is for our neighbors up north. However, cooler temperatures can certainly leave you and your household uncomfortable without a properly cared for heater.

One of the best things you can do for that heating system is to schedule routine maintenance. And no, it’s not too early for this service! Keep reading as we uncover just why heating maintenance is so vital for the health of your heater, and why it’s also important to have it done this season to get the most out of it. 

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Signs That It’s Time to Go Ductless!

Monday, September 6th, 2021

woman-sitting-on-couch-turning-on-ductless-air-handler-with-remoteAs we come to the official end of summer, it can be really easy to dismiss your cooling system needs. While it stays warmer longer in our part of the country than in others, it’s still only natural to look forward to when you can start using your air conditioner less and less. But what if you need AC repair in Dacula, GAOr what if AC repair isn’t going to cut it and it’s actually time to replace the system altogether?

A trained and experienced HVAC professional, such as a member of our team, can help you make an educated decision about this. But if you are considering replacing your air conditioner this year, and/or your heater, then you’ve come across the right blog post. It may very well be time for you to think about going ductless. There are many reasons to do so. Read on to learn what they are!

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Are You Using Your Air Conditioner Efficiently?

Monday, August 23rd, 2021

two-technicians-working-on-outside-ac-unitMaybe you think something like this is out of your control. HVAC systems account for half of all energy use in a home, so how could you possibly use yours efficiently? Is this an oxymoron?

No, not at all! The truth is, many homeowners in our area are not using their air conditioners as efficiently as they could be, and as a result, they’re paying a lot more than they should have to on their utility bills.

Now, one of the ways to boost efficiency is going to cost a little money–but it’s less costly than having surprise breakdowns or inefficient system operation. And that’s maintenance. Every year, you should have air conditioner maintenance professionally done. It allows us to fully inspect, clean, and adjust the components that need it to help boost system efficiency.

But there are other steps that don’t cost you anything at all or at least only cost you pennies, to implement. Read on as we uncover what they are!

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Don’t Believe This AC Refrigerant Misconception!

Monday, August 9th, 2021

insulated-refrigerant-lineDo you know how air conditioning refrigerant works? You probably know that it helps the cooling process, but what you might not know is that it is 100% responsible for the cooling process. The air that comes through your room vents and brings the temperature down cannot happen without refrigerant.

Unfortunately, though, there’s a pretty common misconception about refrigerant that leads homeowners to use their air conditioners pretty inefficiently, leading to potential emergency repair needs and maybe even premature replacement. What is that misconception? Long story short, people believe that refrigerant is a fuel, and that it depletes like gasoline does from a car.

Read on as we uncover why this is a dangerous assumption, and what you should know about refrigerant leaks.

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Pay Attention to These Signs of an AC in Disrepair

Monday, July 26th, 2021

animated-checklist-on-clipboardHave you ever noticed that your air conditioner doesn’t seem to be working quite right? Maybe you’re tempted to put off calling for repairs. If your air conditioner is still running, just not as well as it could be, this is understandable. You want to save your summer vacation money, after all! But unfortunately, delaying repairs could leave you with an even costlier problem, and potentially even the need for premature system replacement.

We encourage our customers to take care of their air conditioning systems as soon as they realize they need repairs. But how do you know when this might be the case? We ask this knowing that you are probably not an air conditioning expert–that’s our job! However, it’s a good idea to know the basics, and to know the signs that you just may have an air conditioner in disrepair. Read on to learn what they are!

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Is a Heat Pump the Answer to Your Cooling Needs?

Monday, July 12th, 2021

vent-low-on-wallIf you’ve come across this blog post, we’re going to take a guess and say that you’re in the market for a new cooling system. Whether you’re considering having a different type of air conditioner installed, or replacing your old one for the same type, we believe it’s worth your time to consider the benefits of a heat pump system.

Heat pumps offer comfort and budget solutions for homeowners all throughout Lawrenceville and beyond. They’re great systems, that can keep your indoor climate at an ideal temperature all year long. Want to learn more about the benefits and see if a heat pump is the answer to your cooling needs? Well then read on!

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