Wall Heating & Air Conditioning Blog: Archive for the ‘Air Conditioning’ Category

How Germicidal Lights Will Help Your Air Quality and AC

Monday, June 28th, 2021

uv-lightIf we have all learned anything over the past year as homeowners, it’s that we might need a little help with our indoor air quality. With the spread of a global pandemic and lives being literally halted by an airborne virus, we’ve learned a lot about sanitation and what that means when we’re at home. Now, before we go any further, there are no indoor air quality products or services that will guarantee to completely eradicate COVID-19. But there are products and services you can invest in that will certainly lower the risk of virus transmission, as well as the transmission of bacteria, allergens, and other pollutants that can make their way into your home.

One such system is the UV air purifier, or more commonly known as germicidal lights. Read on as we uncover the benefits of these systems and whole-house air purifiers in general. Keep in mind that while a standard air purifier pulls contaminants from the air, germicidal lights attack viruses and bacteria at the source–from inside your ductwork. Air purifiers of any kind are an investment, but an investment that will not only pay you back in healthier indoor air, but better AC performance. 

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3 Sounds You Should Never Hear from Your Air Conditioner

Tuesday, June 1st, 2021

checklist-with-red-markerAir conditioners are very complex pieces of equipment, with a number of components and actions that make them work flawlessly. But just like any other home appliance, they are subject to natural wear and tear. There’s no avoiding that at some point, you’ll need a repair. In fact, you can expect to need a repair every couple of years or so as parts wear out.

Of course, you can fend off the most urgent and harmful repair needs with routine maintenance. Professional maintenance allows our technicians to fully inspect, clean, and adjust the components that need it. During the inspection part of this process, we look for anything that does need repair so we can alert you to it right away. This way, it has less of a chance to grow into something bigger and lead to a breakdown.

Maintenance isn’t the only way to detect repair needs, however! It’s important that you know the everyday sounds that your air conditioner makes. This way, when it makes an unusual noise, you’ll know that something is amiss. What noises are we talking about? Read on!

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How to Pay Less for More Comfort This Summer

Monday, May 3rd, 2021

woman-looking-comfortable-on-couchSummertime is just around the corner, and with that summer season comes the heat and humidity that we all know very well. So well in fact, that it doesn’t have to be summer to have summertime temperatures. So, you need your air conditioner to be prepared. After all, don’t you want it to operate as efficiently and effectively as possible this year?

Hopefully, you’ve already had or at least scheduled your spring AC maintenance appointment, which allows our technicians to fully service your AC system to ensure good operation. It’s not too late to schedule this if not! In the meantime, there are even more things you can do in addition to maintenance that can help the system work more efficiently. Keep reading as we uncover how to improve efficiency, and therefore pay less for more comfort.

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When a Cooling System Won’t Cool: What to Do

Monday, April 26th, 2021

woman-sitting-in-front-of-fanApril in Georgia may as well be August in any other part of the country, right? What we mean is that… we’re already dealing with hot temperatures! This means we are using our cooling systems on a daily basis. If you’ve noticed something wrong with your cooling system already, it’s cause for alarm. For example, did you discover a drop in cooling power, or a lack of cool air coming from the system?

Obviously you know this is an issue. The last thing you need is something that doesn’t function any better than a standard fan, circulating warm air throughout your home. You’ll want to call for professional repairs—and in the meantime we’ve shared some insight into what might be causing this very frustrating issue.

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What Are the Steps of Professional AC Maintenance?

Monday, March 29th, 2021

two-technicians-working-on-outside-ac-unitIf you’ve followed our blog posts for a while now, then you might see that we mention maintenance a lot. There’s a reason for this—it’s an important service! Homeowners often think this is a “luxury” service that only people who can really afford something extra buy. But actually, maintenance is a necessity, and can save you money in the long run.

First, professional maintenance allows our technicians to locate small problems with your air conditioner before they grow into much bigger emergency repair needs. This helps your air conditioner perform better and last longer. This is great news for your budget, right? But still, you might be wondering what actually happens during maintenance? Should it really only ever be done by professionals? Read on to find out.

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AC Installation: Should You Go Ductless?

Monday, September 21st, 2020


Temperatures are just beginning to mellow out a bit. Perhaps you’ve already stopped using your air conditioner on a regular basis for the season. How’s that AC doing? Is it in good shape or is it aging and requiring a lot of repairs?

If it’s the latter, you may be in the position of considering an AC replacement. If you are, we encourage you to consider going ductless! There are a number of benefits to doing so, which we’ll cover below.

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Do You Believe This Harmful Refrigerant Myth?

Monday, September 7th, 2020

insulated-refrigerant-line-behind-ac-systemThere aren’t too many homeowners out there who really understand how air conditioners work. This isn’t a bad thing or something you’re expected to know a lot about—after all, that’s what the professionals are here for!

However, because many homeowners aren’t well-informed, they can be led astray by amateur repair people or handy people claiming to be HVAC pros. In fact, one of the most common things these folks tell homeowners is that refrigerant is something that gets “used up,” like gasoline from a car, and must be refilled (what we in the industry call recharged) once a year during maintenance or more often. And this is a refrigerant myth that could potentially harm your air conditioner. Read on to learn how!

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6 Noises Your AC Should Never Make

Monday, August 24th, 2020

woman-listening-closely-holding-hand-to-earWouldn’t it be great if our air conditioners could send us a little warning when something is amiss? Like, we could get a text message to our smartphones telling us when a motor bearing needs lubrication or replacing, or when we have a refrigerant leak?

To be honest, this technology probably isn’t too far off in the future. But for now, we have to rely on other means to know when our air conditioners are suffering. Of course, you can limit the risk of sudden air conditioner problems by staying on top of your AC maintenance each year. But it’s also a good idea to know the signs of AC trouble to begin with. One of the most common signs of AC problems is loud and unfamiliar noises.

What noises are we referring to, exactly? Read on as we uncover what they are.

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Don’t Ignore These Signs of AC Disrepair!

Monday, August 10th, 2020

two-techs-checking-on-ac-outdoor-unitIt’s easy, especially this late in the summer season, to ignore small signs that something might be amiss with your air conditioner. But the fact of the matter is, this is when your air conditioner is most likely to break down, because this is the time of the year it runs the most and essentially works the hardest.

This is particularly true if you skipped maintenance this year. Maintenance allows our technicians to thoroughly inspect, clean, and adjust your system to ensure proper, efficient functionality. It also allows us to spot small repair needs before they become bigger ones! But this doesn’t mean you can’t spot small repair needs on your own—and when you do, the next best step is to give the pros a call. Read on to learn more about these signs.

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AC Tune-Up Time: It’s Never Too Late

Monday, July 27th, 2020

two-techs-working-on-ac-outdoor-unitDid you have air conditioning maintenance this past spring? If not, you may think it’s too late. After all, just about any professional HVAC technician will tell you its best to have this service done then (our team included). The reason for this is because it’s before you actually need your system the most.

But, that doesn’t mean it’s ever too late for your AC maintenance. We’d rather have you schedule it “late” than not at all. Your air conditioner and your utility bills will benefit from this. The only time it’s “too late” for AC maintenance is if it’s completely broken down and is beyond repair. But an annual AC tune-up (or biannual, if you have a heat pump) will help prevent those repairs, plus offer the following benefits:

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