Wall Heating & Air Conditioning Blog: Posts Tagged ‘HVAC’

Don’t Believe This AC Refrigerant Misconception!

Monday, August 9th, 2021

insulated-refrigerant-lineDo you know how air conditioning refrigerant works? You probably know that it helps the cooling process, but what you might not know is that it is 100% responsible for the cooling process. The air that comes through your room vents and brings the temperature down cannot happen without refrigerant.

Unfortunately, though, there’s a pretty common misconception about refrigerant that leads homeowners to use their air conditioners pretty inefficiently, leading to potential emergency repair needs and maybe even premature replacement. What is that misconception? Long story short, people believe that refrigerant is a fuel, and that it depletes like gasoline does from a car.

Read on as we uncover why this is a dangerous assumption, and what you should know about refrigerant leaks.

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3 Sounds You Should Never Hear from Your Air Conditioner

Tuesday, June 1st, 2021

checklist-with-red-markerAir conditioners are very complex pieces of equipment, with a number of components and actions that make them work flawlessly. But just like any other home appliance, they are subject to natural wear and tear. There’s no avoiding that at some point, you’ll need a repair. In fact, you can expect to need a repair every couple of years or so as parts wear out.

Of course, you can fend off the most urgent and harmful repair needs with routine maintenance. Professional maintenance allows our technicians to fully inspect, clean, and adjust the components that need it. During the inspection part of this process, we look for anything that does need repair so we can alert you to it right away. This way, it has less of a chance to grow into something bigger and lead to a breakdown.

Maintenance isn’t the only way to detect repair needs, however! It’s important that you know the everyday sounds that your air conditioner makes. This way, when it makes an unusual noise, you’ll know that something is amiss. What noises are we talking about? Read on!

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Why the Size of Your New Air Conditioner Matters

Monday, May 17th, 2021

smiling-technician-working-on-ac-unitSummer is almost here! If you haven’t done so already, now is the perfect time to ensure that your air conditioning system is fully ready to handle the higher temperatures. Of course, for some homeowners this might mean that it’s time to invest in a new air conditioning system altogether. If this is the case for you, then you’ll want to make sure that your new cooling system is the right fit for your home.

We get it, your first instinct is probably to buy the biggest, most powerful air conditioning system you can find on the market, especially if you have spent previous summers sweating bullets because your air conditioner just wasn’t working as it should. However, we really encourage you to carefully consider your air conditioner purchase. Bigger isn’t always better! Size and power do matter of course, but perhaps not in the way you’d think.

Keep reading as we dive into what different sizing means for your air conditioner, and why you don’t want an underpowered or overpowered air conditioner in your home.

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Tips for Boosting Heating Efficiency at the End of the Season

Monday, February 22nd, 2021

vent-low-on-wallWhen it comes to the weather we’re used to, our recent temperatures have been relatively cold! As such, our heaters are getting quite the workout. Hopefully, you had maintenance done this past fall, to ensure that your system works as efficiently and effectively as possible. This is the #1 way to maintain heating efficiency, actually, by scheduling tune-ups once a year if you have a furnace or boiler and twice a year if you have a heat pump system.

But maintenance isn’t the only way to improve efficiency, and subsequently save money! In fact, there are a number of things you can do to boost efficiency that don’t cost you any money at all. Read on to learn what they are.

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Why You Should Worry If Your Heater Has a Cracked Heat Exchanger

Monday, October 19th, 2020

furnace-burnersGas-powered furnaces are not inherently dangerous appliances. This is something we want to clarify right away! We aren’t looking to panic you just because you choose to heat your home with a gas-powered furnace. But like any other powerful appliance in your home that uses gas, hazards can happen if it’s not well cared for.

When a gas-powered system isn’t well cared for, you risk one component failure in particular you never want to have—a cracked heat exchanger. This is most likely to happen with an aging heater (10-15 years old or older). For this reason we recommend looking into a replacement once your furnace has reached about a decade. Routine maintenance will help you avoid this problem, but it’s still a problem you should be aware of.

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How to Prep Your Heater for Cooler Weather

Monday, October 5th, 2020

tech-inspecting-furnaceFall is officially here and even though our temperatures haven’t quite cooled down enough for consistent heater use, now is the time to think about whether or not you’re well prepared for when temperatures do drop. Fortunately, you have plenty of time to arrange for routine maintenance for your residential heater. This is a job that requires the professional touch of trained and experienced HVAC professionals, which is what we are here for!

Don’t delay scheduling your heating maintenance inspection and tune-up–make sure your heating system is ready to go when the drop in temperatures does occur, no matter how brief or mild our winters may be in comparison to other parts of the country. Read on to learn more about this service.

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What Does a Dirty Air Filter Do to Your Furnace?

Monday, February 10th, 2020

man-holding-air-filterYou may have heard us recommend replacing your HVAC air filter every 1-3 months. This isn’t just something we’re throwing out as a random suggestion—we are offering this advice as a way for you to get the most effective and efficient use out of your heating system as possible. And considering how much we’ve all used our heaters so far this winter, chances are you’d like to avoid problems and spending unnecessary money.

One way to achieve this is by performing that very small maintenance task—changing your air filter when needed. You’d probably be surprised to find out just how important this small HVAC component actually is. It doesn’t just protect indoor air quality—in fact, that’s not its purpose at all. Read on to learn more!

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Reasons For and Against an Attic Furnace Installation

Monday, January 13th, 2020

worker-sealing-ductwork-in-atticThe number one reason we get the question of, “Can I install a furnace in my attic” is because the customers asking want to save space. And we get it! It is possible to do this, however, there are a number of factors to consider.

Usually, a furnace is going to be installed in the basement, or garage area if a basement isn’t available. If there’s no garage or too little garage space, that severely limits your options, taking up too much space that would otherwise be usable.

So, attic furnaces started gaining popularity. Whether it’s a good idea for your specific home or not will depend on how you relate to the following pros and cons.

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